Tianjin Chicheng Chemicals Co.,Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Oxalic acid
CAS No: 144-62-7
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic acids
Product spec: 99.6%
Packing: 50kg bags
Post Time: 2010-11-25
Description: 1,The oxalic acid is used for reducer and decolourant.It can product bacteriophage and borneol. 2,The industry of plastics can make polyvinyl chloride,amina plastics,paint flake by it. 3,The oxalic acid can insteal of acetic acid in the printing and dyeing company. 4,The industry of medicine can product aureomycin ,terramycin,tetracycin,streptomycin and ephedrine by it.
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